Repair of the LEDIAR lighting system from XBright AG
In 2016, the Erlangen-based company XBright filed for insolvency – bad news for many users of LEDIAR lighting systems.
This is because LED luminaires from the XBright system are still in service in many places today. However, they are increasingly failing due to their age.
In addition to the general annoyance of high maintenance costs, users are now faced with the problem that they can no longer replace the individual luminaires that have failed.
Alternative to ad-hoc conversion

As the frequency of failures increases, many are now forced to replace the entire lighting system on an ad hoc basis. But is that really necessary?
After all, the XBright LED lights are still not a bad thing, even if ageing is of course taking its toll on them. And a complete replacement of a basically good system should always be carefully considered for both ecological and economic reasons.
Especially as converting the entire lighting system is a major project that also has an impact on ongoing operations – even if ECONLUX GmbH, with its extensive experience in conversion projects, always knows how to minimise disruption.
Repair during regular operation
So how would it be if the XBright LEDIAR luminaires did not have to be completely removed, but instead there was a way to repair only the defective luminaires?
And this in a standardised process and without major disruption to ongoing operations?
Only a dream? No, that is now possible: With the “Repair-X” service from ECONLUX GmbH.
Repair-X: Standardised repair of XBright luminaires
Repair-X is like a repair café, but carried out by the LED experts at ECONLUX GmbH and at your premises!
Do you have defective LEDIAR luminaires? We will come to you and repair them using our innovative, standardised process.