
Discover Now: The New ECONLUX Industrial Lighting Brochure is Here!

We are delighted to present the brand new ECONLUX brochure on industrial lighting: On 20 pages you will learn interesting facts about our company and our attractive product portfolio. In our brochure, we present the core product areas that cover the most important aspects of modern lighting solutions: In another particularly innovative highlight, our new[…]

From Fire to LED — Cheers to Inventiveness

Fire as Serendipity The cradle of mankind was in Africa. And it was here that our ancestors first experienced fire as a random destructive event sent by nature. It is not known who was the brave one who began to use fire. But there is evidence that Iron Age humans were already utilising the “heaven-given”[…]

Understanding Light: What are Lux and Lumen?

Brightness is a subjective perception. Whether we perceive a room as bright or dark depends, among other things, on our visual acuity and the brightness of the surroundings. In lighting technology, however, there are objective measures of brightness. Of these the best known are lux and lumen. In this article, we explain how lux and[…]

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